Early Childhood Education

The Early Childhood Education program prepares students to work with young children from birth to 5 and their families.  The curriculum is organized around a core of courses that provide skills and knowledge needed by early childhood educators.  

Students with a current CDA (Child Development Associate) credential (without ECED 190 credit) may apply for 4 credits of ECED 193/ECED 194 Early Childhood Field Experience 1A/1B after taking 12 credits of UHMC courses.  The student will receive “credit” and no grade for the class, per the policy Prior Learning Assessment - Credit for Non-Collegiate Instruction.  See program coordinator to initiate the process. Students are encouraged to regularly meet with the program coordinator to prepare an education plan and get approval to take ECED 193, ECED 194, and ECED 295.

For more program information, contact the Program Coordinator, Julie Powers, at 808-984-3291 or by email at juliepow@hawaii.edu.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Use knowledge of child development and of individual children to create healthy, challenging learning environments and experiences
  2. Build respectful partnerships with children, families, and their communities.
  3. Observe, document and assess children’s development and learning in partnership with families.
  4. Build positive relationships and guide children through supportive interactions.
  5. Plan, implement, and assess learning experiences using appropriate content, concepts, and methods.
  6. Base decisions and actions on ethical and other professional standards.
  7. Advocate for children and their families within the program.

Degrees and Certificates

Course Descriptions

ECED 110: Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Introduces concepts of developmentally appropriate practice and the importance of play. Provides an overview of and experience with the knowledge and skills necessary for working with children birth through age eight, including children with special needs.

ECED 115: Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Introduces theories and practices for creating and maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment for young children and adults in group settings. Introduces guidelines and practices for providing for the nutritional needs of young children and adults in group settings.

ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.

ECED 131: Early Childhood Development: Theory into Practice

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Introduces principles of human development from conception through age eight and how this informs practice. Focuses on the relationships between physical, cognitive, emotional and social aspects of the individual during this period.

ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.

ECED 140: Guiding Young Children in Group Settings

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Addresses positive ways to support children’s social-emotional development. Focuses on adult-child and child-child interactions and relationships. (No longer crosslisted as FAMR 140, effective Spring 2020.)

ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement in ENG 100 or consent.

ECED 170: Introduction to Working with Infants and Toddlers

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Provides an overview of the basic skills needed for working with infants and toddlers and their families in group care settings. Focuses on interactive aspects of child development. Introduces infant-toddler caregiving routines and environments, and caregiver roles.

ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 100, or consent.

ECED 175B: Introduction to Home Visiting

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Explores child growth and development from birth to five with emphasis on establishing a partnership with families to encourage their involvement in enhancement of the child’s self-esteem; self-discipline; intellectual development; and physical, social, and emotional competence. Introduces principles of adult learning and effective communication skills.

ENG 19 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 22, or consent.

ECED 175C: Home Visiting: Assessment & Recordkeeping

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Introduces and explores assessment, record keeping, and case-management skills required for home visitor programs. Examines action plans based on identification of the child and adult needs and progress.

ENG 19 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 22, or consent.

ECED 175D: Home Visiting: Professionalism

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Explores community resources, professional ethics, personal boundaries, confidentiality, and professional development for the home visitor to meet the needs of community agencies that employ home visitors.

ENG 19 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 22, or consent.

ECED 193: Early Childhood Field Experience IA

Credits 4 Lecture Hours 8
Teaching Equivalent
Provides a supervised work experience in an early childhood education and care setting. Supports students in integrating content knowledge with practice. Designed for those who have little or no experience in early childhood programs. Students take ECED 193 or ECED 194 as their first field experience course. Students should consult with program coordinator to determine which course to take. (Cannot be audited.) (Formerly ECED 190)

Permission of instructor; and ECED 110 and ECED 131, both with grade C or better, and ENG 22 or placement at ENG 100. Note: Students may be required to obtain a physical or doctor’s note and to be fingerprinted, all at the student’s expense.

ECED 194: Early Childhood Field Experience IB

Credits 4 Lecture Hours 15
Provides a supervised work experience in an early childhood education and care setting. Supports students in integrating content knowledge with practice. Designed for those already working in an early childhood program. Students take 193 or 194 as their first field experience course. Students should consult with program coordinator to determine which course to take. (Cannot be audited.)

Permission of instructor; and ECED 110 and ECED 131, both with grade C or better; and ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100. Note: Students may be required to obtain a physical or doctor’s note and to be fingerprinted all at the student’s expense.

ECED 245: Child, Family, and Community

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Develops communication skills and other strategies for building effective relationships with diverse families and relevant community members. Introduces students to the local resources available for family referral. (No longer Crosslisted as FAMR 235, effective Spring 2020.)

ENG 100 with grade C or better, or consent.

ECED 263: Language and Creative Expression Curriculum

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Addresses creative and language disciplines, stages of development for each, and how these relate to appropriate early childhood curriculum. Includes designing curriculum for language, literacy, literature, and creative expression (art, music, & creative movement/dance) based on observation of children. Students must have contact with preschool children in a formal setting for observation and implementation of course assignments.

ECED 110, ECED 131, and ENG 100, all with grade C or better, or consent.

ECED 264: Inquiry and Physical Curriculum

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Addresses physical development and inquiry disciplines, stages of development for each, and how these relate to appropriate early childhood curriculum. Includes designing curriculum for physical development, and inquiry (math, science, and social studies) based on observation of children. Introduces integrated curriculum based on science and social studies topics. Students must have contact with preschool children in a formal setting for observation and implementation of course assignments.

ECED 110, ECED 131, and ENG 100, all with grade C or better, or consent.

ECED 275: Inclusion of Children with Special Needs

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Introduces legal, historical, and research information about serving young children with special needs in inclusive environments. Introduces issues and practices associated with establishing partnerships with families and understanding collaborative relationships that contribute to meeting diverse needs of young children in inclusive settings. Facilitates development of skills to adapt and modify the learning environment in line with developmentally appropriate practice. Introduces traditional and alternative assessment and identifies skills necessary to facilitate successful transitions.

ECED 131 and ENG 100, both with grade C or better, or consent.

ECED 281: Early Childhood Program Administration 1

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent

Examines and analyzes early childhood curriculum and environments; staff development including hiring, grievance, and hiring policies; and various ways an administrator can be an advocate for children and families by understanding and utilizing the decision making processes at the county, state and federal levels. (Formerly ECED 281BCD)


ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100, or consent.

ECED 282: Early Childhood Program Administration 2

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent

Provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of an early childhood administrator. Examines licensing and it's role; organizations; principles of profit and non-profit management; and budgeting and financial planning. Analyzes operating policies, record keeping, and staff and child evaluations. (Formerly ECED 282BCD)


ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100, or consent.

ECED 295: Early Childhood Field Experience II

Credits 4 Lecture Hours 15
Provides a culminating supervised work experience in an early childhood education and care setting. Supports students in integrating content knowledge with practice. (Cannot be audited.)

Permission of instructor; and ECED 105, ECED 140, ECED193 or 194, ECED 245, ECED 263 or 264 (or concurrent) and ENG 100, all with grade C or better. Note: Students may be required to obtain a physical or doctor’s note and to be fingerprinted, all at student’s expense.