Interdisciplinary Studies

J. Patao

Course Descriptions

IS 104B: Transitions: Personal

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Introduces students to college level work, strategic reasoning, communicating, and academic strategies. Helps students to develop an understanding of personal learning strengths, needs, time and resource management, and the use of relevant resources. Develops skills necessary to monitor progress and resolve problems. Introduces the creation of an individual learning portfolio and plan to support the successful transition to college.

IS 104C: Transitions: Community

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Focuses on developing the understanding that it is essential for human beings to work together. Teaches how to work as a productive member of a successful team. Develops critical thinking and problem solving skills. Teaches and practices taking responsibility in implementing a solution, and recognizing and producing quality performance and quality products.

IS 105: Career/Life Exploration & Planning

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 45
Teaching Equivalent
Prepares student for effective career/life exploration, planning and decisions. Emphasizes self-assessment, world of work information, survey of occupational clusters and related academic preparation relevant to self-assessed interests, and values and decision-making. Students cannot take both IS 105 and IS 105B for credit toward a degree.

IS 105B: Personal Assessment

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Assists students in evaluating their interests, values, abilities, lifestyles, and other factors relating to career choice. Provides students with an opportunity to develop career decision-making skills. Students cannot take both IS 105 and IS 105B for credit toward a degree.

IS 106: College Orientation I

Credits 2 Lecture Hours 30
Teaching Equivalent
Develops knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with personal, academic, and career success. Provides overviews of college policies, procedures, and curricular offerings. Develops communication and teamwork skills. Encourages contacts with students and staff. Strongly recommended for entering students.

IS 107: College Orientation II

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 15
Teaching Equivalent
Integrates, practices, and applies knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with personal, academic, and career success. Integrates and applies communication and teamwork skills. Encourages contacts with students and staff as well as community and campus service. Strongly recommended for entering students.
Prerequisite or Corequisite
IS 106, or consent.