Business Administration

The Business Administration program offers various levels of educational opportunity:

  • Certificates designed for students and community members who wish to acquire or upgrade their skills and knowledge.
  • One-year Certificate of Achievement that provides essential skills and knowledge in business, communication, writing, and mathematics.
  • Two-year Associate in Applied Science that serves as preparation in the areas of business management, marketing, and sales.
  • Transferable courses for four-year business programs at UH Maui College, UH Mānoa, UH West Oahu, and other institutions.

Students interested a baccalaureate program should take the appropriate mathematics sequence early in order to complete required course(s) and should see a counselor about specific requirements for entrance to baccalaureate programs.

Not all Business Administration courses will transfer and fill baccalaureate requirements.  Baccalaureate programs additionally have specific GPA entrance requirements that may be higher than 2.0.  Students should elect letter grades (A, B, C, etc.).

Contact the Program Coordinator, Gil Logan, at 984-3344 or by email at for more information.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Use leadership and interpersonal skills to promote business ethics, values, and integrity in the workplace.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling) and their application to decision-making.
  3. Examine accounting, marketing, sales, and promotion techniques.

Degrees and Certificates